Lola or lessons in love

Bertrand has decided to forget the months he was held hostage in Africa. 

Lola has decided not to lie any more. 

They love each other with a mad passion and are finally living together - and yet the past gradually overtakes their lives, threatening their happiness. Bertrand doesn't let it show but he cannot regain his footing, even if his career is taking off and his talent being reconized. He withdraws into silence and does not tell Lola about the flashbacks he keeps experiencing and the nightmares that sometimes stop him sleeping at night. Lola does not realise he is falling apart; bit by bit, despite all their efforts to keep their world going, Bertrand is sinking deeper into the abyss. 

However, the hidden past always comes to the surface in the end: a child is born, a paternity test takes place, anger surges up, a man dies... and the truth weaves in and out of the cracks. 

Will Bertrand and Lola find each other again, despite their scars ? Is it possible to live a love so long anticipated ? 


Growing up close to her Russian grandfather who immersed her in stories, Angelique Barberat has always written. After the success of the Very moment when destinies interwine and of Bertand et Lola, with her third novel she has produced once again a beautiful book about the connection between silence and truth and between passion and love. 


Publication date: February 2016

 Pages: 480

Rights available: world

  • Michel Lafon Publishing
    118 avenue Achille Peretti
    CS 70024
    92521 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex
  • Honorine Dupuy d'Angeac
    Foreign Rights Manager
    +33 (0)1 41 43 09 79


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